Spring is Around the Corner 2021

The Spring term at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education is approaching! Registration is underway, and all courses are being held online, with means you can take any one of my courses from anywhere in the world. The one exception is Landscape Painting which will be out of doors and at a safe distance here in Cambridge. I am as surprised as you are to say that I truly enjoy teaching online. All courses are synchronous and are not recorded, in an effort to build that community feeling that we all crave. I have missed my old friends and I’ve missed making new ones, and I’m amazed at how these classes can bring us together in these challenging times. I love inviting you into my home and studio, as much as I love seeing what you set up in your own. It’s been too long. Let’s make some art!

Click on the link below to see my full course list on the CCAE website.

The Studio School at the CCAE

The Studio School is a concentrated program of observational drawing and painting that covers a spectrum of subject matter and is currently comprised of Brett Gammache and myself. The school is a part of the vibrant community at the Cambridge Center for Adult Education in historic Harvard Square. Our academic year is broken into four seasonal terms and our curriculum, much like our own painting, changes with the seasons. Enrollment for the Winter term has closed, but I will soon post my course schedule for Spring.